Drashti Shroff

Drashti Shroff

My Experiences with Writing & Medium

18 stories

A lady sitting with a coffee mug in her right hand and using her laptop which is kept on her lap.
Drashti Shroff

Drashti Shroff

Love, Relationships and Marriage

23 stories

Image of a couple holding each other in their arms before a wonderful sunset somewhere in a naturally scenic place.
Drashti Shroff

Drashti Shroff

Anxiety, Mental Health and Self-Healing

14 stories

A girl sitting on a chair looking outside through her glass windows.
A woman sitting with her head down, as if she is distressed.
Image of a man sitting on the rocks on a lakeside. Image is dark and gloomy signifying loss, endurance and time to heal.
Drashti Shroff

Drashti Shroff


3 stories