Life Does Not End With Your 20s

Stop worrying and start living

Drashti Shroff
2 min readFeb 13, 2023
Image by the author

If you are anyone like me, you’d have already scratched your head a thousand times, wondering why the hell things don’t work the way you want them to.

Been there, done that.

Hi there,

I am your friend in her late 20s. Worried, anxious, hard working and always trying. She wants a lot of things from life.

But the problem until now was that, she wanted all of it right now, at this time, before she grows “too” old.

There have been some important realisations lately.

🔴End of 20s is not the end of life🔴

This is my biggest learning from past two years of trying and failing and I want to talk about this —

There is literally, no shortcut to success.

After I got married and moved to another country, I wanted to achieve everything, ASAP.

More money, more travel, fancy lifestyle and a stylish wardrobe.

I chased fame through my writing. I wanted to be known and make my mark.

I always told myself — “This is the time! If not now, then when?”

